Clinical Insights: The Jaw-Pelvis Connection // The Throat-Womb Connection (vagus nerve)

Clinical Insights: The Jaw-Pelvis Connection // The Throat-Womb Connection (vagus nerve)

In practice, I often observe the interesting and profound connection between the jaw and a woman’s reproductive issues. This may look like chronic bruxism (teeth clenching or grinding at night), pain in the jaw, ongoing issues with throat infections or laryngitis, or tension headaches. From a pelvic perspective, this correlates with pelvic floor dysfunction, painful sex, uterine issues, SIJ dysfunction, menstrual cycle irregularities, or unexplained pelvic girdle pain.

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Quick and Easy Self-Care for Mums

Quick and Easy Self-Care for Mums

When you're a mum, it turns out you have to completely redefine your idea of self-care, because you rarely have the time or money to do all the nice stuff you used to do like get a mani-pedi! Yet 'filling your own cup' is an essential aspect of motherhood.

Don't know where to begin?

Here are five simple self-care tips you can start right away…

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